Thursday, February 9, 2012

My Life As I Know It

    Well let me just begin by saying for those of you who don’t really know me.  I’ve lived in Melbourne Arkansas for only a little over 3 years now.  I moved here from Fort Smith Arkansas and it was a big change for me. I used to be 7 nights a week and really late, in the bars and partying it up like young people do.   Well I had lost my day job working at a daycare there but I was working two jobs before that happened.  I also worked at JC Penny’s part time, my daycare job was full time so I was a very busy woman working two jobs plus as I said,  I was doing the bar scene & all that.
    I believe that God took my full time job away from me for a good reason and that reason is to move me away from all my friends there and make me realize that I needed to get my butt back into church and start living for him again so my dad called me up one day and asked me if I wanted to work here in Melbourne and live here too. Well that was going to be hard for me at first I had to really think about it, because to me that meant I was leaving my friends and my family which I get to them later.  I talked to people I knew and gave it a lot of thought.  I called my dad up the next day and gave him a yes I would move here. So told him I will give my two weeks notice at my current job at JC Penny’s.  So I did and two weeks from that Sunday I moved away from my mom and all my friends and family there.
    Well so my Journey began in a new town and a smaller place then I was used to but I really didn’t have any friends here I knew no one except my dad and my step mom and my brother. But after the first week of working and getting to know people my step mom and dad friends had a daughter my age, yay me, so we started hanging out and everything and time went on and everything well around Christmas time came around and I was planning to go back home to see family for the holidays and well I had no dependable car so my now ex boyfriend told me to take his Camro so I did and I got to go see all my family on my mom’s side for the holidays I was happy but before that there was something in me that was telling me that I needed to get back in to church and live right and stop looking in all the wrong places so I went to a few here in town and I liked them but not my cup of tea. And so I went on my phone because it was the only internet that I had at the time lol. Well I googled  Non-Denominational churches in Batesville Arkansas and it brought up the church I am at now.  I looked on their web site and I looked and seen they had something that my church back home had and I found a number and called and left a massage and the next day the pastor called me back and I asked him questions and he gave me answers and I went the next Sunday morning that’s when I had a better car that I could drive more than 10 mins and not have it over heat on me lol. And let’s just say I felt like that was my new home church!
  So the story goes on I got myself back in to church and I got involved in it and helping out with the kiddos and helping out in any way I can I am in a ladies group and meet some really great people in the church they are all a blessing to me they helped me out in so many ways and I love them all. I have learned so much along the way.  God is so good I give him the praise that he deserves. 


  1. this is kinda my life story from then tell almost tell now

  2. I am touched by how the backbone of your story is your commitment to honoring the Lord. You have a beautiful spirit.

    1. Awe...Thanks so much Kristi that means a lot to me really does
