Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Merry Christmas!


Hope that everyone is having great holidays and got your Christmas tree up already tomorrow is Christmas Day! Wow how it has sure gone by fast! 
I have had everything done by last weekend! 
Well most of you already now but I went to Texas to see my now fiancĂ© and he finally popped the question and proposed to me on my birthday and I couldn't be more happier about it! I very excited I know it be alittle while but I can Not wIt to be his wife for forever! He is the one I truely love and I do not know what I would do with out him! He truely makes me happy and the person I am today! I really can't say much more that I have not said about him but he is one that is mine!bhe wouldn't and has not ever done me wrong and I will not and never have and never will do him wrong! that is my annoyance ment I had to make was merry Christmas and that I am engaged now and I so happy about all of i! Love my life I have! 

Merry Christmas every one!