Friday, September 13, 2013

Hi! Been awhile y'all

Well hello fellow follow blogger hope everyone is having a great day!
Well as for me I m took a trip to Texas spent the weekend with my man I had to leave yesterday and O SO did not want to leave yet, and I did not like it one bit having to leave him it gets harder and harder every time I have to or he has to leave me but as they say absents makes the heart grow fonder I believe that is soooo very true it does make the heart grow founder, but I love my man of mine with all my heart and I wouldn't change him or anything for the world!
He is the love of my life and him and his son Caleb is my world other then God! My boyfriends sister came with me on the 12 hour drive and we have all had fun she came with me because her man is down here working with my man too!
But we went and Did some Things in San Antonio and we went out and ate, and we really just had fun and I always have fun though when I get to see my boyfriend and spend time with him! I cant wait to see him again hoping to see him in late Oct hopefully! Its so hard when he is gone working on the road and I am hear with out him But God is the one who is helping me though this all and so are some of my friends and I cant tank them enough for things they have done for me and help me out in things and helped keep me busy were I wouldn't have to set home alone and just think and even sometimes just want to cry by my self because it is so hard !
But God has been good to me blessing me with the people he has blessed me with that is in my life and they will never now How much I do appreciate them!
It is really hard on me and really does take some getting use to when the one your with is on the road working and alot! And you have to stay home because you also have to work or you have to stay behind because you got kids and there in school! 
It is just plan and simple hard :) 

 Well Guess that is it for now 

Hope all my blog followers Have a fantastic Friday