Thursday, March 8, 2012

Rainy & Cold Day

Well last night was a short night for me I got maybe 5 hours of sleep which is cool whatever we can sleep when we are died right its what everyone tells me bahaha well so anyway it was raining when i got up and it wasn't cold it was kinda warm but now about 2 Pm it is mucho free o well it is freezing out side and rainy days like this just makes me want to stay home and cruel up on my couch watch movies or TV all day cuddled up to my sweetheart I mean you now I don't want to be at work right now want to be home in my nice cozy house with my sweetheart but to bad he is at work right now. I am freezing my booty off but its all good I am so thank full that I have a job and for what I have because this morning I got a text from small group leader at my church and then this afternoon i found out that there were 2 ladies from our church that lost everything this morning. There apartment complex brunt down it got struck by lighting and o it mad me think i couldn't even image going though that and losing everything  one of the ladies got out with nothing but her pajamas on the other one was out of town and had some cloths but glad that they are ok and not physical hurt but all that just really makes you think especially if you now that person but anyways I count my blessings and try to help them out with what and how ever I can Thank you Lord for my house and my life....

Hopes everyone has a great Thursday! :)