Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Love of my life

Well so I came to Texas this weekend and came to see my boyfriend and this time I took a plane and Thursday when I left o it was a long day lets just say the last plane after my lay over I was really ready to get to the rent a car place and see my man it was a day sat on the plane and then that is when it got delayed for and hour and a half so ya and getting to the final destination way later then I was post to the finally got the rental car and I went and seen my man and was there way later then I was post to be an that was not cool at all! But the day I came home everything has took off on time and no worries to get home but me and my honey had the best weekend with each other! Friday after he got off he cooked me dinner and Saturday After he got off he took me just me and him time to the river walk and we had a wonderful time just a me and him date stuff every couple really needs is just you 2 and no one else! It was o something me and him both needed a lot he took me to dinner and and we walked around a good while and it was just a nice fun time together Sunday he was off so we spent all day together went and eat with one of his buddy's from our neck of the woods and went and did a few things and is cooked him one of his favorite meals I make and just watched a movie me and him the last night I had with him he was so sweet Monday though he got up like he usually does and was letting me sleep till he was about ready to leave for work he lays down with me and just to cuddle the last few minutes  we had before I took off and all I gotta say is that he makes me the happiest woman alive after he left is when I start missing him again when I have to leave I miss him 24/7 even if I or he is in but just glad I got to spend time with him he And his son or my life other then my family and God! But I thank God every day for him in my life and thank my bestie and her man for interdicting us to each other! Because if it wasn't for them I wouldn't know such a wonderful guy! 

The hardest times I have had is when he is off on the road and I am stuck here with out him that is when we can get in to it and all but that is part of a relationship! everyone who is in any relationship you all get in your little fights and arguments part of life of being together with some one but things have gotten better and I stay strong for the both of us and one day I will be going on the road with him just when God allows me to all in his hands. 

But I guess that is all for now and hope everyone has a wonderful Tuesday, its raining and a little cold here so hope u all stay dry and warm!
Have a great day everyone 

Me and my honey someone had to snap a pic of us not the best of me and him buts its a picture hehe 

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